Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five Senses

The Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five SensesThe Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five Senses by K.N. Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A captivating and poetic tale of mystery, fantasy, and reality tied together by action

This is the first book by K.N. Smith that I have read and I’m pleased to see that it’s the first in a series because I was amazed at the development of the story, the subtext, and the characters and I am interested to see how it all progresses.
What makes this book particularly fascinating is the manner in which the community in which the characters exist is itself a living, conscious entity. In this respect, the book has a strong fantasy element to it. Yet, contrasted against the fantastical elements is a realism which pits the idyllic against the criminal and the fantasy against grim reality.
There is a wonderful interplay of disparate, contrasting elements which play out on two levels: within the minds of the characters and within the world surrounding them. The writer makes great use of backstories and subtext to lend depth, subtlety, and mystery to the unfolding of the story as it vacillates from surreality to reality. This constant interplay is echoed in the lives of the characters as they struggle to balance their newfound powers with the need to maintain life on a mundane level.
Additionally, the writer introduces poetic elements into the narrative, placing the story into a mythical context, each of the characters’ actions being a response to Fate as they struggle to reach a balance between the demands of normalcy and the pull of destiny. The entire story is neatly woven together in an unpredictable manner and is driven by well executed action sequences, intriguing backstories, and dialogue which lend believably and relatability to the characters and situations.
I would recommend this book to readers of fantasy, mystery, and even fans of certain kinds of comic books which explore how the introduction of new powers or abilities put pressures upon those who acquire them to undergo intensive personal transformations in order to accommodate the responsibilities these entail. Five stars.

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